CEETTAR proposal for a Common Driving Licence for Agriculture and Forestry Machinery (T Licence)
CEETTAR proposes a EU driving licence for agriculture and forestry vehicles, which is recognised by all EU member states, and which applies without discrimination to all actors of the agriculture value chain (farmers and contractors included).
CEETTAR proposes a two-tier (T1 and T) driving licence for agriculture and forestry machinery. The T1 tier is adapted for small farming activities, such as feed loading machines and cattle farms, whereas the T2 tier is valid for heavier and faster agriculture and forestry vehicles and for yellow machines (Non Road Mobile Machinery). For each of these tiers, there should be different speed and capacity limitations.
This CEETTAR position paper presents the state of the current existing EU legislation across the EU and develops into details the modalities of the new T-Licence. The CEETTAR position paper was adopted by CEETTAR Member Organisations, with the exception of the Fédération Nationale Entrepreneurs Des Territoires – FNEDT (France).
To download a PDF version of CEETTAR position paper, please click HERE.